Legal Notice

Publisher: COTRUST

Head office: C/° Cotrust – Quartier La Plaine CD6 – 13120 – Gardanne – France
Publishing Director: Hélène DEMAEGDT

Host site: OVH

Host server address: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX – France

Protection of personal data

The owner of the website does not record any personal data of the User by simply accessing the website. However some non-identifiable information is sent to the server to improve the user navigation.

In compliance with the provisions of the law — Loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978 — and other legislations which apply or were replaced, all the information received on the web through consultation, sending data, or any other medium will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.

All users who provide their data via the web have the right of access, rectification and / or deletion of the data, without opposition, and the right to revoke its consent to the transfer of data. The above rights may be proceeded by written to the address: gaia-impactfund – site internet – C/° Cotrust – Quartier La Plaine CD6 – 13120 – Gardanne – France.

The personal data that have been obtained through the web, have the necessary protection to prevent tampering, loss, or unauthorized access.

Intellectual Property

All content of is intellectual property of Gaia Impact Fund and it is completely forbidden to the User to exploit such content and trademarks.

To the User is expressly prohibited the reproduction, processing, dissemination or use in any way of the contents on the website without prior notification and approval by Gaia Impact Fund written in a reliable way.


The website contains texts, images and other content developed by the holder and its partners, which are for information purposes only, so in some occasions they may not reflect the most recent aspects, so that at any time the content may be modified and / or replaced by new ones, without any notice or liability.

The contents of the site cannot be considered, in any case, as a substitute for legal advice or any other counseling. There will not be any kind of business, professional, or any other kind of relation with the professionals who integrate the web simply because of the access by users.

If external links exist at the websites, Gaia Impact Fund, will not be responsible for its content because of lacking control over them. The user accesses the web under his/her own risk. Gaia Impact Fund does not guarantee the loading time, no service interruption or absence of virus in the web. Also, the website owner, employees, partners and representatives cannot be held liable for any damage arising from the use of this website or from any action taken on the basis of the information provided therein.

Gaia Impact Fund does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could damage or alter the computer system, electronic documents or files of users of this website. Consequently Gaia Impact Fund will not respond in case of damages that such elements may cause to other computers.